American Samoa
Antigua & Barbuda
Argentina - Buenos Aires
Argentina - Cordoba
Argentina - Entre Rios
Argentina - La Rioja
Argentina - Mendoza
Argentina - Salta
Argentina - Santiago Del Estero
Argentina - Tucuman
Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)
Ascension Island
Austria - Austrian Netherlands
Austria - Austrian States - Auersperg
Austria - Austrian States - Batthyani
Austria - Austrian States - Brixen
Austria - Austrian States - Burgau
Austria - Austrian States - Colloredo-Mansfeld
Austria - Austrian States - Dietrichstein
Austria - Austrian States - Eggenberg
Austria - Austrian States - Eszterhazy
Austria - Austrian States - Garsten
Austria - Austrian States - Gurk
Austria - Austrian States - Khevenhuller-Metsch
Austria - Austrian States - Kinsky
Austria - Austrian States - Nostitz-Rieneck
Austria - Austrian States - Olmutz
Austria - Austrian States - Orsini-Rosenberg
Austria - Austrian States - Ortenburg
Austria - Austrian States - Paar
Austria - Austrian States - Salzburg
Austria - Austrian States - Sinzendorf
Austria - Austrian States - Sprinzenstein
Austria - Austrian States - Trautson
Austria - Austrian States - Troppau-Jaegendorf
Austria - Austrian States - Tyrol
Austria - Austrian States - Vienna
Austria - Austrian States - Windisch-Graetz
Azerbaijan - Darband
Azerbaijan - Ganja
Azerbaijan - Karabagh
Azerbaijan - Qubba
Azerbaijan - Sheki
Azerbaijan - Shemakhi
Belgian Congo
Bohemia - Bohemia & Moravia
Bohemia - Eger
Bohemia - Friedland
Bohemia - Glatz
Bohemia - Leitmeritz
Bohemia - Lobkowitz-Sternstein
Bohemia - Rosenberg
Bohemia - Schlick
Bosnia Herzegovina
British Antarctic Territory
British Columbia
British Honduras
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
British West Indies
Canada - Canadian Provinces
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands (BES Islands)
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Central African States
Central American Republic
Central Asia - Bukhara
Central Asia - Janid
Central Asia - Khiva
Central Asia - Khoqand
Central Asia - Qunduz
Central Asia - Shaybanid
Central Asia - Tashkent
Cherokee Nation
Chile - Chiloe
Chile - Copiapo
Chile - San Bernardo De Maypo
Chile - Tarapaca
Chile - Valdivia
China - Anhwei Province
China - Chekiang Province
China - Chihli Province
China - China Empire
China - Fengtien Province
China - Fukien Province
China - Heilungkiang Province
China - Honan Province
China - Hunan Province
China - Hupeh Province
China - Japanese Puppet States - East Hopei
China - Japanese Puppet States - Manchukuo
China - Japanese Puppet States - Meng Chiang
China - Japanese Puppet States - Provisional Government Of China
China - Japanese Puppet States - Reformed Government Of China
China - Kansu Province
China - Kiangnan
China - Kiangsi Province
China - Kiangsu-Chingkiang
China - Kiangsu-Kiangsoo Province
China - Kirin Province
China - Kwangsi-Kwangsea
China - Kwangtung Province
China - Kweichow Province
China - Manchurian Provinces
China - People's Republic
China - People's Republic - Chinese Soviet Republic
China - People's Republic - Hsiang-O-Hsi
China - People's Republic - Hunan
China - People's Republic - Hupeh-Honan-Anwhei
China - People's Republic - P'ing Chiang County
China - People's Republic - Shensi-North
China - People's Republic - Szechuan-Shensi
China - People's Republic - Wan-Hsi-Pei
China - Republic Of China
China - Shansi Province
China - Shantung Province
China - Shensi Province
China - Sinkiang Province
China - Suiyuan Province
China - Szechuan Province
China - Yunnan Province
China - Yunnan-Szechuan
Comoro Islands
Congo - Congo Republic
Congo - Democratic Republic
Congo - Free State
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Creek Nation Poarch Creek Indians
Czech Republic
Danish West Indies
Denmark - Gluckstadt
Denmark - Holstein-Gottorp-Rendsborg
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo
Dutch Guiana
East Africa
East Caribbean States
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial African States
Equatorial Guinea
Estonia - Narva
Estonia - Reval
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
French Afars & Issas
French Cochin China
French Colonies
French Equatorial Africa
French Guiana
French Indo-China
French Oceania
French Polynesia
French Somaliland
French States - Aire
French States - Antwerp
French States - Boisbelle & Henrichemont
French States - Bouillon & Sedan
French States - Burgundy
French States - Chateau-Renaud
French States - Dombes
French States - Lille
French States - Nevers & Rethel
French States - Orange
French States - Verdun
German East Africa
German New Guinea
German States - Aachen
German States - Aalen
German States - Ahlen
German States - Alsace
German States - Altena
German States - Anhalt
German States - Anhalt - Bernburg
German States - Anhalt - Dessau
German States - Anhalt - Harzgerode
German States - Anhalt - Kothen
German States - Anhalt - Plotzkau
German States - Anhalt - Zerbst
German States - Anholt
German States - Anklam
German States - Arenberg
German States - Augsburg
German States - Baden
German States - Bamberg
German States - Barby
German States - Bavaria
German States - Beckum
German States - Beeskow
German States - Bentheim
German States - Berg
German States - Berlin
German States - Berlin & Kolln
German States - Besancon
German States - Biberach
German States - Birkenfeld
German States - Blankenburg
German States - Bocholt
German States - Bonn
German States - Brandenburg
German States - Brandenburg - Ansbach
German States - Brandenburg - Ansbach - Bayreuth
German States - Brandenburg - Bayreuth
German States - Brandenburg - City Issues
German States - Brandenburg - Franconia
German States - Brandenburg - Kustrin
German States - Braunau
German States - Breisach
German States - Bremen
German States - Bremen & Verden
German States - Breslau
German States - Bretzenheim
German States - Brunswick
German States - Brunswick - Bevern
German States - Brunswick - Blankenburg
German States - Brunswick - Calenberg
German States - Brunswick - Dannenberg
German States - Brunswick - Grubenhagen - Herzberg-Osterode
German States - Brunswick - Grubenhagen - Salzderhelden
German States - Brunswick - Harburg
German States - Brunswick - Hitzacker
German States - Brunswick - Luneburg - Calenberg
German States - Brunswick - Luneburg - Calenberg - Hannover
German States - Brunswick - Luneburg - Celle
German States - Brunswick - Mittel-Luneburg
German States - Brunswick - Wolfenbuttel
German States - Bucheim
German States - Buchhorn
German States - Burgmilchling
German States - Camenz
German States - Cammin
German States - Cleves
German States - Coesfeld
German States - Colmar
German States - Cologne
German States - Constance
German States - Corvey
German States - Cottbus
German States - Crailsheim
German States - Demmin
German States - Diepholz
German States - Donauworth
German States - Dortmund
German States - Drossen
German States - Dulmen
German States - East Friesland
German States - Eichstatt
German States - Einbeck
German States - Ellwangen
German States - Emden
German States - Erbach
German States - Erfurt
German States - Essen
German States - Esslingen
German States - Finstingen
German States - Franconia
German States - Franconian Circle
German States - Frankenthal
German States - Frankfurt
German States - Freiburg Im Breisgau
German States - Freising
German States - Friedberg
German States - Froberg
German States - Fugger
German States - Fulda
German States - Furstenberg - Heiligenberg
German States - Furstenberg - Purglitz
German States - Furstenberg - Stuhlingen
German States - Furstenwalde
German States - Furth
German States - Further Austria
German States - Glogau
German States - Goldberg
German States - Gorlitz
German States - Gorze
German States - Goslar
German States - Gottingen
German States - Greifswald
German States - Grevesmuhlen
German States - Gronsfeld
German States - Guben
German States - Gutenburg
German States - Haag
German States - Hagenau
German States - Halberstadt
German States - Hall
German States - Haltern
German States - Hamburg
German States - Hameln
German States - Hamm
German States - Hanau - Lichtenberg
German States - Hanau - Munzenberg
German States - Hannover
German States - Hatzfeld - Gleichen-Trachenberg
German States - Hatzfeld - Wildenburg-Krottendorf
German States - Heid And Bleid
German States - Heilbronn
German States - Helfenstein
German States - Helmarshausen
German States - Henneberg
German States - Henneberg - Ilmenau
German States - Henneberg - Schleusingen
German States - Herford
German States - Hersfeld
German States - Hesse
German States - Hesse - Cassel
German States - Hesse - Darmstadt
German States - Hesse - Homburg
German States - Hesse - Marburg
German States - Hesse - Rheinfels
German States - Hildesheim
German States - Hohengeroldseck
German States - Hohenlohe
German States - Hohenlohe - Bartenstein
German States - Hohenlohe - Bartenstein - Pfedelbach
German States - Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen
German States - Hohenlohe - Kirchberg
German States - Hohenlohe - Langenburg
German States - Hohenlohe - Neuenstein
German States - Hohenlohe - Neuenstein - Oehringen
German States - Hohenlohe - Neuenstein - Weikersheim
German States - Hohenlohe - Pfedelbach
German States - Hohenlohe - Waldenburg
German States - Hohenlohe - Waldenburg - Schillingsfurst
German States - Hohenzollern
German States - Hohnstein
German States - Hoya
German States - Ingolstadt
German States - Isenburg
German States - Isny
German States - Jagerndorf
German States - Jever
German States - Julich
German States - Julich - Berg
German States - Julich - Cleve-Berg
German States - Kaufbeuren
German States - Kempten
German States - Kirchberg
German States - Knyphausen
German States - Kolln
German States - Konigsegg-Rothenfels
German States - Korbach
German States - Kosel
German States - Krossen
German States - Kustrin
German States - Kyritz
German States - Landau
German States - Lauenburg
German States - Lauingen
German States - Leiningen
German States - Leiningen - Dagsburg
German States - Leiningen - Schaumburg-Kleeberg
German States - Leuchtenberg
German States - Leutkirch
German States - Liegnitz
German States - Limpurg
German States - Lindau
German States - Lippe
German States - Lippe - Detmold
German States - Lorraine
German States - Lowenberg
German States - Lowenberg - Wertheim
German States - Lowenberg - Wertheim - Rochefort
German States - Lowenberg - Wertheim - Virneburg
German States - Lowenberg - Wertheim - Virneburg & Rochefort
German States - Lubeck
German States - Luckau
German States - Luneburg
German States - Magdeburg
German States - Mainz
German States - Mansfeld
German States - Mansfeld - Artern
German States - Mansfeld - Bornstedt
German States - Mansfeld - Eigentliche-Hinterort
German States - Mansfeld - Eisleben
German States - Mansfeld - Friedeburg
German States - Mansfeld - Schraplau
German States - Mark
German States - Marsberg
German States - Mecklenburg
German States - Mecklenburg - Gustrow
German States - Mecklenburg - Schwerin
German States - Mecklenburg - Strelitz
German States - Memmingen
German States - Metz
German States - Minden
German States - Mittweida
German States - Mompelgart
German States - Montfort
German States - Mors
German States - Muhlhausen In Alsace
German States - Muhlhausen Thuringen
German States - Munster
German States - Munsterberg-Ols
German States - Murbach & Luders
German States - Nassau
German States - Nassau - Dietz
German States - Nassau - Dillenburg
German States - Nassau - Holzappel-Schaumburg
German States - Nassau - Idstein
German States - Nassau - Siegen
German States - Nassau - Usingen
German States - Nassau - Weilburg
German States - Nassau - Wiesbaden-Idstein
German States - Neuruppin
German States - Neuss
German States - Nordhausen
German States - Nordlingen
German States - Northeim
German States - Nurnberg
German States - Oldenburg
German States - Oppeln And Ratibor
German States - Osel And Wiek
German States - Osnabruck
German States - Ottingen
German States - Ottingen - Wallerstein
German States - Paderborn
German States - Passau
German States - Pfalz - Birkenfeld-Zweibrucken
German States - Pfalz - Electoral Pfalz
German States - Pfalz - Mosbach
German States - Pfalz - Neuburg
German States - Pfalz - Simmern
German States - Pfalz - Sulzbach
German States - Pfalz - Veldenz
German States - Pfalz - Zweibrucken
German States - Pomerania
German States - Pomerania - Stettin
German States - Pomerania - Wolgast
German States - Prenzlau
German States - Prussia
German States - Pyrmont
German States - Quedlinburg
German States - Rantzau
German States - Rappoltstein
German States - Ratzeburg
German States - Ravensberg
German States - Ravensburg
German States - Regensburg
German States - Regenstein
German States - Reichenau
German States - Reuss
German States - Reuss - Burgk
German States - Reuss - Dolau
German States - Reuss - Ebersdorf
German States - Reuss - Gera
German States - Reuss - Greiz
German States - Reuss - Lobenstein
German States - Reuss - Obergreiz
German States - Reuss - Rothenthal
German States - Reuss - Schleiz
German States - Reuss - Untergreiz
German States - Rheine
German States - Rhenish Confederation
German States - Rietberg
German States - Rostock
German States - Rothenburg
German States - Rottweil
German States - Saint Alban
German States - Salm
German States - Salm - Dhaun
German States - Salm - Grumbach
German States - Salm - Kyrburg
German States - Salzwedel
German States - Sankt Blasien
German States - Saxe - Altenburg
German States - Saxe - Barby
German States - Saxe - Coburg
German States - Saxe - Coburg - Gotha
German States - Saxe - Coburg - Saalfeld
German States - Saxe - Eisenach
German States - Saxe - Eisenberg
German States - Saxe - Gotha-Altenburg
German States - Saxe - Hildburghausen
German States - Saxe - Jena
German States - Saxe - Lauenburg
German States - Saxe - Meiningen
German States - Saxe - Middle-Weimar
German States - Saxe - New-Gotha
German States - Saxe - Old-Altenburg
German States - Saxe - Old-Gotha
German States - Saxe - Old-Weimar
German States - Saxe - Romhild
German States - Saxe - Saalfeld
German States - Saxe - Weimar
German States - Saxe - Weimar - Eisenach
German States - Saxe - Weissenfels
German States - Saxe - Wittenberg
German States - Saxe - Zeitz-Naumburg
German States - Saxony - Albertine
German States - Saxony - Ernestine
German States - Sayn
German States - Schaumburg - Hessen
German States - Schaumburg - Lippe
German States - Schaumburg - Pinneberg
German States - Schleswig-Holstein
German States - Schleswig-Holstein - Glucksburg
German States - Schleswig-Holstein - Gottorp
German States - Schleswig-Holstein - Norburg
German States - Schleswig-Holstein - Ploen
German States - Schleswig-Holstein - Sonderburg
German States - Schmalkalden
German States - Schonau
German States - Schwarzburg
German States - Schwarzburg - Arnstadt
German States - Schwarzburg - Rudolstadt
German States - Schwarzburg - Sondershausen
German States - Schwarzenberg
German States - Schweidnitz
German States - Schweinfurt
German States - Silesia
German States - Silesia - Liegnitz-Brieg
German States - Soest
German States - Solms - Braunfels
German States - Solms - Heruletz
German States - Solms - Hohensolms
German States - Solms - Laubach
German States - Solms - Lich
German States - Solms - Roedelheim
German States - Sorau
German States - Speyer
German States - Stade
German States - Stargard
German States - Stendal
German States - Stolberg
German States - Stolberg - Gedern
German States - Stolberg - Konigstein-Rochefort
German States - Stolberg - Ortenberg
German States - Stolberg - Rossla
German States - Stolberg - Stolberg
German States - Stolberg - Wernigerode
German States - Stralsund
German States - Strassburg
German States - Striegau
German States - Sulz
German States - Swabian Circle
German States - Telgte
German States - Teschen
German States - Teutonic Order
German States - Thann
German States - Thurn And Taxis
German States - Trier
German States - Ulm
German States - Verden
German States - Waldburg-Friedberg-Scheer
German States - Waldeck
German States - Waldeck - Pyrmont
German States - Wallmoden-Gimborn
German States - Warburg
German States - Warendorf
German States - Weissenburg
German States - Werden & Helmstedt
German States - Werl
German States - Werne
German States - Wesel
German States - Westphalia
German States - Wied-Neuwied
German States - Wied-Runkel
German States - Wiedenbruck
German States - Wismar
German States - Wolgast
German States - Wollwarth
German States - Worms
German States - Wurttemberg
German States - Wurttemberg - Ols
German States - Wurttemberg - Weiltingen
German States - Wurzburg
Germany - Democratic Republic
Germany - Empire
Germany - Federal Republic
Germany - Third Reich
Germany - Weimar Republic
Gold Coast
Great Britain
Guyana - Essequibo & Demerary
Hong Kong
Iles De France Et Bonapart
India - Independent Kingdoms - Ahmadnagar
India - Independent Kingdoms - Arakan
India - Independent Kingdoms - Assam
India - Independent Kingdoms - Baglana
India - Independent Kingdoms - Bidar
India - Independent Kingdoms - Bijapur
India - Independent Kingdoms - Cooch Behar
India - Independent Kingdoms - Farrukhabad
India - Independent Kingdoms - Garwal
India - Independent Kingdoms - Golkonda
India - Independent Kingdoms - Gond
India - Independent Kingdoms - Gurkha Kingdom
India - Independent Kingdoms - Jaintiapur
India - Independent Kingdoms - Jammu
India - Independent Kingdoms - Kachar
India - Independent Kingdoms - Kumaon
India - Independent Kingdoms - Kutch
India - Independent Kingdoms - Madurai
India - Independent Kingdoms - Manipur
India - Independent Kingdoms - Maratha Confederacy
India - Independent Kingdoms - Mysore
India - Independent Kingdoms - Pudukkottai
India - Independent Kingdoms - Rohilkhand
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sikh Empire
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sikh Feudatory Dera
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sikh Feudatory Derajat
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sikh Feudatory Najibabad
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sikkim
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sind
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sirmur
India - Independent Kingdoms - Sivaganga
India - Independent Kingdoms - Tanjore
India - Independent Kingdoms - Tinnevelly
India - Independent Kingdoms - Tripura
India - Independent Kingdoms - Vijayanagar
India - Independent Kingdoms - Zebadad
India - India Portuguese
India - India-British
India - India-British - Bengal Presidency
India - India-British - Bombay Presidency
India - India-British - Madras Presidency
India - India-Danish, Tranquebar
India - India-Dutch
India - India-French
India - India-Portuguese - Bacaim
India - India-Portuguese - Bacaim & Chaul
India - India-Portuguese - Cochin
India - India-Portuguese - Damao
India - India-Portuguese - Diu
India - India-Portuguese - Goa
India - India-Portuguese - Lisboa
India - India-Princely States - Alwar
India - India-Princely States - Arcot
India - India-Princely States - Awadh
India - India-Princely States - Bahawalpur
India - India-Princely States - Bajranggarh
India - India-Princely States - Banswara
India - India-Princely States - Baroda
India - India-Princely States - Bela
India - India-Princely States - Bharatpur
India - India-Princely States - Bhaunagar
India - India-Princely States - Bhopal
India - India-Princely States - Bhopal - Feudatory-Narsingarh
India - India-Princely States - Bijawar
India - India-Princely States - Bikanir
India - India-Princely States - Bindraban
India - India-Princely States - Broach
India - India-Princely States - Bundi
India - India-Princely States - Cambay
India - India-Princely States - Cannanore
India - India-Princely States - Chamba
India - India-Princely States - Chhatarpur
India - India-Princely States - Chhota Udaipur
India - India-Princely States - Cochin
India - India-Princely States - Cooch Behar
India - India-Princely States - Coorg
India - India-Princely States - Datia
India - India-Princely States - Dewas
India - India-Princely States - Dhar
India - India-Princely States - Dholpur
India - India-Princely States - Dungarpur
India - India-Princely States - Garhwal
India - India-Princely States - Gwalior
India - India-Princely States - Hansi
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Aurangabad
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Elichpur
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Firoznagar
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Gadwal
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Kalayani
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Narayanpett
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Shorapur
India - India-Princely States - Hyderabad - Feudatories-Wanparti
India - India-Princely States - Indore
India - India-Princely States - Indore Feudatory
India - India-Princely States - Jaipur
India - India-Princely States - Jaisalmir
India - India-Princely States - Janjira Island
India - India-Princely States - Jaora
India - India-Princely States - Jhabua
India - India-Princely States - Jhalawar
India - India-Princely States - Jind
India - India-Princely States - Jodhpur
India - India-Princely States - Jodhpur - Feudatory-Kuchaman
India - India-Princely States - Junagadh
India - India-Princely States - Kaithal
India - India-Princely States - Kalat
India - India-Princely States - Kalsia
India - India-Princely States - Karauli
India - India-Princely States - Kashmir
India - India-Princely States - Kishangarh
India - India-Princely States - Kolhapur
India - India-Princely States - Kotah
India - India-Princely States - Ladakh
India - India-Princely States - Lunavada
India - India-Princely States - Makrai
India - India-Princely States - Maler Kotla
India - India-Princely States - Mewar
India - India-Princely States - Mewar - Feudatories-Bhinda
India - India-Princely States - Mewar - Feudatories-Salumba
India - India-Princely States - Mewar - Feudatories-Shahpur
India - India-Princely States - Mysore
India - India-Princely States - Nabha
India - India-Princely States - Narwar
India - India-Princely States - Nawanagar
India - India-Princely States - Orchha
India - India-Princely States - Panna
India - India-Princely States - Partabgarh
India - India-Princely States - Patiala
India - India-Princely States - Porbandar
India - India-Princely States - Pudukkottai
India - India-Princely States - Radhanpur
India - India-Princely States - Rampura
India - India-Princely States - Ratlam
India - India-Princely States - Rewa
India - India-Princely States - Sailana
India - India-Princely States - Sailana - Feudatory-Barmawal
India - India-Princely States - Selam
India - India-Princely States - Sirmur
India - India-Princely States - Sirohi
India - India-Princely States - Sitamau
India - India-Princely States - Sunth
India - India-Princely States - Tonk
India - India-Princely States - Travancore
India - India-Republic
India - Mughal Empire
Indonesia - Irian Barat
Indonesia - Riau
Ionian Islands
Isle De Bourbon
Isle Of Man
Italian Somaliland
Italian States - Albera
Italian States - Alessandria
Italian States - Alghero
Italian States - Arquata
Italian States - Asti
Italian States - Belgiojoso
Italian States - Belmonte
Italian States - Benevello
Italian States - Bergamo
Italian States - Bologna
Italian States - Borgotaro
Italian States - Bozzolo
Italian States - Brescello
Italian States - Brescia
Italian States - Bressanone
Italian States - Cagliari
Italian States - Camerino
Italian States - Campi
Italian States - Carmagnola
Italian States - Casale
Italian States - Castiglione Dei Gatti
Italian States - Castiglione Delle Stiviere
Italian States - Cisalpine Republic
Italian States - Cispadine Republic
Italian States - Cisterna
Italian States - Compiano
Italian States - Correggio
Italian States - Corsica
Italian States - Corte
Italian States - Crema
Italian States - Cremona
Italian States - Crevacuore
Italian States - Cuneo
Italian States - Desana
Italian States - Emilia
Italian States - Faenza
Italian States - Ferrara
Italian States - Frinco
Italian States - Gazoldo
Italian States - Genoa
Italian States - Gorizia
Italian States - Guastalla
Italian States - Italian Republic
Italian States - Kingdom Of Napoleon
Italian States - Lecco
Italian States - Livorno
Italian States - Loano
Italian States - Lombardy-Venetia
Italian States - Lucca
Italian States - Maccagno
Italian States - Mantua
Italian States - Masegra
Italian States - Massa Di Lunigiano
Italian States - Massa Lombarda
Italian States - Massa-Carrara
Italian States - Mesocco
Italian States - Messerano
Italian States - Milan
Italian States - Mirandola
Italian States - Modena
Italian States - Moncalvo
Italian States - Musso
Italian States - Naples
Italian States - Naples & Sicily
Italian States - Nizza
Italian States - Novellara
Italian States - Orbetello
Italian States - Orezzo
Italian States - Orta
Italian States - Papal States
Italian States - Papal States - Ancona
Italian States - Papal States - Ascoli
Italian States - Papal States - Avignon
Italian States - Papal States - Bologna
Italian States - Papal States - Civitavecchia
Italian States - Papal States - Fano
Italian States - Papal States - Fermo
Italian States - Papal States - Ferrara
Italian States - Papal States - Foligno
Italian States - Papal States - Gubbio
Italian States - Papal States - Macerata
Italian States - Papal States - Matelica
Italian States - Papal States - Montalto
Italian States - Papal States - Pergola
Italian States - Papal States - Perugia
Italian States - Papal States - Ravenna
Italian States - Papal States - Ronciglione
Italian States - Papal States - San Severino
Italian States - Papal States - Spoleto
Italian States - Papal States - Terni
Italian States - Papal States - Tivoli
Italian States - Papal States - Viterbo
Italian States - Parma
Italian States - Pavia
Italian States - Piacenza
Italian States - Piedmont Republic
Italian States - Piombino
Italian States - Pisa
Italian States - Pomponesco
Italian States - Porcia
Italian States - Ravenna
Italian States - Reggio Emilia
Italian States - Retegno
Italian States - Roman Republic
Italian States - Roman Republic - Ancona
Italian States - Roman Republic - Ascoli
Italian States - Roman Republic - Civitavecchia
Italian States - Roman Republic - Clitunno
Italian States - Roman Republic - Fermo
Italian States - Roman Republic - Foligno
Italian States - Roman Republic - Gubbio
Italian States - Roman Republic - Macerata
Italian States - Roman Republic - Pergola
Italian States - Roman Republic - Perugia
Italian States - Ronco
Italian States - Rovegno
Italian States - Roveredo
Italian States - Sabbioneta
Italian States - San Georgio
Italian States - San Martino
Italian States - Sardinia
Italian States - Sassari
Italian States - Savona
Italian States - Savoy
Italian States - Seborga
Italian States - Sicily
Italian States - Solferino
Italian States - Soragna
Italian States - Tassarolo
Italian States - Torriglia
Italian States - Trento
Italian States - Tresana
Italian States - Tricerro
Italian States - Tuscany
Italian States - Urbino
Italian States - Vasto
Italian States - Venice
Italian States - Venice - Antivari
Italian States - Venice - Armata And Morea
Italian States - Venice - Cattaro
Italian States - Venice - Crete
Italian States - Venice - Cyprus
Italian States - Venice - Dalmatia And Albania
Italian States - Venice - Isole & Armata
Italian States - Venice - Isole Del Levante
Italian States - Venice - Lesina
Italian States - Venice - Palma Nova
Italian States - Venice - Spalato
Italian States - Venice - Trau
Italian States - Ventimiglia
Italian States - Vercelli
Italian States - Vergagni
Italian States - Verona
Ivory Coast
Japan - Akita
Japan - Hakodate
Japan - Hosokura
Japan - Kaga
Japan - Koshu
Japan - Mimasaka
Japan - Morioka
Japan - Ryukyu Islands
Japan - Sendai
Japan - Tajima
Japan - Tosa
Japan - Yonezawa
Kiau Chau
Korea - North Korea
Korea - South Korea
Latvia Dorpat
Libya - Tripoli
Madeira Islands
Malay Peninsula - Johore
Malay Peninsula - Kedah
Malay Peninsula - Kelantan
Malay Peninsula - Malacca
Malay Peninsula - Pahang
Malay Peninsula - Penang
Malay Peninsula - Perak
Malay Peninsula - Selangor
Malay Peninsula - Trengganu
Malaya & British Borneo
Maldive Islands
Marshall Islands
Mexico - Chihuahua
Mexico - Durango
Mexico - Guadalajara
Mexico - Guanajuato
Mexico - Mexico-Revolutionary
Mexico - Nueva Galicia
Mexico - Nueva Viscaya
Mexico - Oaxaca
Mexico - Puebla
Mexico - Real Del Catorce
Mexico - San Luis Potosi
Mexico - Sombrerete
Mexico - Valladolid Michoacan
Mexico - Veracruz
Mexico - Zacatecas
Moldavia & Wallachea
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Netherlands - Anholt
Netherlands - Antilles
Netherlands - Batenburg
Netherlands - Brabant
Netherlands - Deventer
Netherlands - East Indies
Netherlands - East Indies - Atjeh
Netherlands - East Indies - Banjarmasin
Netherlands - East Indies - Benculen
Netherlands - East Indies - Java
Netherlands - East Indies - Madura Island
Netherlands - East Indies - Maluka
Netherlands - East Indies - Palembang
Netherlands - East Indies - Pontianak
Netherlands - East Indies - Sumatra
Netherlands - Elburg
Netherlands - Friesland
Netherlands - Gelderland
Netherlands - Groningen And Ommeland
Netherlands - Heerenberg
Netherlands - Holland
Netherlands - Huissen
Netherlands - Kampen
Netherlands - Leeuwarden
Netherlands - Limbourg Province, Maastricht
Netherlands - Nijmegen
Netherlands - Overyssel
Netherlands - Thorn
Netherlands - Utrecht
Netherlands - West Friesland
Netherlands - West Indies
Netherlands - Zeeland
Netherlands - Zutphen
Netherlands - Zwolle
New Brunswick
New Caledonia
New Guinea
New Hebrides
New Zealand
North Borneo
North Macedonia
Nova Scotia
Oman - Muscat & Oman
Order Of Malta
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Poland - Bromberg
Poland - East Prussia
Poland - Elbing
Poland - Fraustadt
Poland - Galicia & Lodomeria
Poland - Gnesen
Poland - Krakow
Poland - Lobsenz
Poland - Posen
Poland - South Prussia
Poland - Thorn
Poland - Zamosc
Prince Edward Island
Puerto Rico
Ras Al-Khaimah
Rhodesia - Rhodesia And Nyasaland
Rwanda - Rwanda & Burundi
Saint Bartholomew
Saint Eustatius
Saint Helena
Saint Helena & Ascension
Saint Kitts
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin
Saint Pierre & Miquelon
Saint Thomas & Prince Island
Saint Vincent
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
Shihr And Mukalla
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Arabia
South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
Southern Rhodesia
Spain - Aragon
Spain - Barcelona
Spain - Catalonia
Spain - Civil War - Ametlla Del Valles
Spain - Civil War - Arahal
Spain - Civil War - Arenys De Mar
Spain - Civil War - Asturias And Leon
Spain - Civil War - Cazalla De La Sierra
Spain - Civil War - Euzkadi
Spain - Civil War - Gratallops
Spain - Civil War - Ibi
Spain - Civil War - Lora Del Rio
Spain - Civil War - Marchena
Spain - Civil War - Menorca
Spain - Civil War - Nulles
Spain - Civil War - Olot
Spain - Civil War - Puebla De Cazalla
Spain - Civil War - Santander, Palencia & Burgos
Spain - Civil War - Segarra De Gaia
Spain - Gerona
Spain - Lerida
Spain - Majorca
Spain - Navarre
Spain - Roussillon
Spain - Tarragona
Spain - Tortosa
Spain - Valencia
Spanish Netherlands - Artois
Spanish Netherlands - Brabant
Spanish Netherlands - Flanders
Spanish Netherlands - Gelderland
Spanish Netherlands - Holland
Spanish Netherlands - Luxembourg
Spanish Netherlands - Namur
Spanish Netherlands - Overyssel
Spanish Netherlands - Tournai
Spanish Netherlands - Utrecht
Spanish Netherlands - Zeeland
Sri Lanka
Straits Settlements
Sudan - South Sudan
Sudan Darfur
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Aargau
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Appenzell
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Basel
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Bern
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Beromuenster
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Chur
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Disentis
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Einsiedeln
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Fischingen
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Freiburg
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Geneva
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Glarus
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Graubunden
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Haldenstein
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Laufenburg
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Lausanne
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Luzern
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Muri
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Neuchatel
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Reichenau-Tamins
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Rheinau
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Saint Gall
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Schaffhausen
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Schwyz
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Sitten
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Solothurn
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Thurgau
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Ticino
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Unterwalden
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Uri
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Uri - Schwyz & Unterwalden
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Uri - Unterwalden
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Vaud
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Zofingen
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Zug
Switzerland - Swiss Cantons - Zurich
Tannu Tuva
Thailand - Jaring
Thailand - Legeh
Thailand - Patani
Thailand - Reman
Thailand - Sai
Thailand - Singgora
Transylvania - Grosswardein
Transylvania - Hermannstadt
Transylvania - Kronstadt
Trinidad & Tobago
Tristan Da Cunha
Tristan Da Cunha - Gough Island
Tristan Da Cunha - Stoltenhoff Island
Turks & Caicos Islands
Umm Al Qaiwain
United Arab Emirates
United States
United States - California
United States - Colonial America
United States - Colonial America - Maryland
United States - Colonial America - Massachusetts
United States - Colonial America - New Jersey
United States - Colorado
United States - Confederate States Of America
United States - Connecticut
United States - Georgia
United States - Massachusetts
United States - New Hampshire
United States - New Jersey
United States - New York
United States - North Carolina
United States - Oregon
United States - Utah
United States - Vermont
Vatican City
Vietnam - Empire
Vietnam - North Vietnam
Vietnam - Socialist Republic
Vietnam - South Vietnam
West Africa
West Africa - British West Africa
West Africa - French West Africa
Western Sahara
Windward Islands
Yemen - Arab Republic
Yemen - Democratic Republic Of Yemen
Yemen - Eastern Aden Protectorate
Yemen - Ra's Bab Al-Mandab
Yemen - Republic
Yemen - Western Aden Protectorate
1/10 Onza
1/15 Onza
1/16 Real, 1/8 Pilon
1/16 Real, Medio Octavo
1/2 Escudo
1/2 Grano
1/2 Onza
1/2 Real
1/20 Onza
1/25 Onza
1/4 Onza
1/4 Real
1/4 Tlaco, 1/8 Real
1/8 Pilon, 1/16 Real
1/8 Real
10 Centavos
10 Nuevo Pesos
10 Pesos
100 Nuevo Pesos
100 Pesos
1000 Pesos
10000 Pesos
100000 Pesos
2 Centavos
2 Cents
2 Escudos
2 Maravedis
2 Nuevo Pesos
2 Onzas
2 Pesos
2 Reales
2-1/2 Pesos
2/4 Senal, 1/4 Real
20 Centavos
20 Nuevo Pesos
20 Pesos
200 Pesos
2000 Pesos
25 Centavos
25 Nuevo Pesos
25 Pesos
250 Pesos
3 Reales
4 Escudos
4 Maravedis
4 Reales
4 Scudos
5 Centavos
5 Nuevo Pesos
5 Onzas
5 Pesos
50 Centavos
50 Nuevo Pesos
50 Pesos
500 Pesos
5000 Pesos
50000 Pesos
8 Escudos
8 Reales
8 Scudos
Kilo, 32.15 Troy Ounces of Silver
Nuevo Peso
KM#483.1 (1977)
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KM#921 (2007-2020)
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KM#798 (2007)
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KM#Pn210 (1976)
KM#Pn237 (1987)
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KM#Pn239 (1988)
KM#Pn246 (1991)