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Coin ID: 44383
Coin name: KM#10
Country: Uganda
Value: 10 Shillings
Material: Silver (0.999)
Weight: 20 g
Diameter: 40 mm
Commemorative issue: Visit of Pope Paul VI
Years 1969 - 1970
Source Time Year Quality Cost Options
Delcampe 08.06.2023 12:00 1970 $48.04 View source
Uganda - 10 Shillings 1970 - Visita di Papa Paolo VI - KM# 10
Ebay 18.02.2024 19:00 1969 Proof $30 View source
UGANDA 10 shillings 1969 SILVER KM# 10 PROOF UNC |
Ebay 06.04.2024 22:00 1969 Proof $47 View source
Uganda - 10 Shillings 1969 Km#10 20,00/0,999 Silver Proof in Capsule |
MA-Shops 13.04.2024 16:22 1979 $10.64 View source
Undated (1979), KM:10
Delcampe 10.12.2024 23:00 1969 Proof $46.18 View source
Uganda 10 Shillings Basilica Martyrs 1969 Km 10 Plata Proof